Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Flush that Cellulite

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.

Listen to what she says here about health and cellulite:

Flush The Cellulite
By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPTMsFit
Water covers two thirds of the earth, and makes up approximately 60 to 70% of our bodies. It removes toxins and sodium from the body. It also nourishes the organs, rejuvenates the metabolism, and curbs the appetite. Therefore, drinking adequate water, while eating right and exercising, is the prescription to permanent weight loss.

Many people drink plenty of sodas, coffee, tea, milk, and juice, but such liquids only satisfy the taste buds and do nothing for the body.
On the average, many people are dehydrated most of the time. By taking the edge off of thirst with coffee or other caffinated drinks, you are actually creating a diuretic effect, due to the caffeine. Dehydration makes weight loss more difficult.

Get the Cellulite Busting Advantage!
The basic minimum of water a day is one liter per fifty pounds of body weight. If you are not drinking this much yet, it's a good start.
Eventually, you want to work your way up to at least one gallon of water a day as your fitness routines increase. The more you weigh and the more you exercise, the more water you need. You can shed a good 3 to 8 pounds just by increasing your water intake.
I know many of you can't stand plain water, which of course makes it harder to do and to stay with. If you are among the few, try adding a slice of lemon to your water. Also, Crystal Light and Sugar-Free Kool-Aid are great alternatives to get water in, and still get a fruity or tangy taste.

With an increased water intake, you will be running to the restroom more often. Many may see this as an interference with a normal workday. However, before you opt to snub the water, take time to understand that it's just a flushing process and once your body finds it's normal balance, the restroom eagerness will slowdown.
Lose Cellulite and Regain Your Figure!
When the water rids your body of toxins, you will begin to notice the puffiness in your hips, thighs, buttocks, ankles, waste, and so forth will dissipate.

Not only does water flush the rubbish from your body, but it also hydrates the muscles and improves muscle tone, giving you better workouts, and properly hydrated and toned muscle burns more calories.
To get a head start on your weight loss goals this year, be sure to get adequate water intake.

Fitfully Yours, Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT MsFit
P.S. Want more advanced techniques for flushing the cellulite right out of your body? Check out The Cellulite Cure. It also contains 7 important steps for reducing ugly cellulite!

This is Glenda, best of luck to you in your quest for a better looking body!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cure Cellulite Naturally

Cellulite effects mainly women, around the buttocks and thigh area.
This condition is fat deposits caught just under the skin and gives the unsightly appearance of bobbly orange peel skin and ugly dimply effects.
The two products below are similar, yet different, and neither require surgery, liposuction or magic creams and potions.


This product claims to rid cellulite by drinking lots of bottled or filtered water every day and eating natural foods that do not contain chemicals and preservatives.
Water flushes out toxins, fat and sodium from our bodies.Processed foods contain chemicals for a longer shelf life and for flavouring and taste. These chemicals get trapped in and between our cells causing cellulite. They are not the vitamins and minerals that our body is looking for.
The Cellulite Cure recommends twenty to forty five minutes of exercise per day to assist the body to rid itself of toxins and chemicals more easily.
To reduce your cellulite by twenty five percent in seven days, have a look at The Cellulite Cure.
This one costs $39.95 and gets ***** a 5 star rating.

Read how The Cellulite Cure can help you


This product focuses on the detoxifying of the liver. Like the above product it says to flush out the body to get rid of toxins, and also focuses on certain types of herbs and special foods that fight cellulite.
Certain foods found in the Brazilian rainforest is thought to be the most potent of antioxidants, and a berry from Tibet annihilates the free radicals that lead to cellulite.
The author gives you helpful information as to where to purchase many foods that may not be available in general supermarkets.
This solution is slightly more expensive than the first, and both would be a good and safe solution.However this one has nine bonuses valued at $169.00, including:

Erasing stretch marks
Meeting your soul mate
Wardrobe tips (For when you want to show your lovely body)
Beauty tips
Fat loss recipes
Setting goals
Healthy smoothies Food chart
Body mass index

This product costs $47.00 and gets ****1/2 star rating.

Read about the benefits here