Saturday, November 22, 2008

Aminophylline – The Real Cellulite Solution?

Hello, ready to get rid of that cellulite once and for all?
Read on and discover the simple secrets to a natural, slender, smooth and toned body. Without the orange peel thighs.

Aren't you sick of hiding under lose clothing, and not being able to wear the latest fashions just because you have cellulite?

Do you look at other women and envy their bodies?

Find out about the secrets to losing cellulite without pain or expensive creams, and how you will not only lose cellulite but gain a fitter healthier body inside and out, for the rest of your life.

My friend Karen really knows her stuff. See what she has to say and look at her qualifications. Her body speaks for itself!

Aminophylline – The Real Cellulite Solution?
By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPTMsFit
Cellulite is a common ailment among many women these days. It’s that nagging cottage-cheese hanging around on your lower body and back of arms. You know that stuff that you are trying to cover up.
Every where you look you are bombarded with advertisements, studies, and research promising that one cellulite cure-all method, guaranteed to banish your cellulite with the new “wonder drug” or “break-through” cellulite cream.
When you come across such “amazing discoveries” take a step back and think about it for a second. If there was such an amazing cellulite break-through, don’t you think it would be prescribed by a doctor or at least be on the news?
Cellulite remedies promising to remove your cellulite with topical applications or odd gizmos are a dime a dozen and none of them truly work. If they did, 90% of women (as studies state) wouldn’t have cellulite.
What if you could REALLY get rid of your cellulite?
A very popular cellulite cream ingredient is aminophylline. Aminophylline is highly-marketed as the cellulite reduction miracle. Many statements claim that it will reduce the lumps and bumps of cellulite by breaking down the fat cells into fatty acids to be removed by the body. Other claims suggest that it shrinks the fat cells and release them into particles to be excreted by the body.

Yes, some women report a reduction in the area the topical was applied, but most are not aware that it has dehydrated the area. Yes, aminophylline is a diuretic, which explains the girth reduction many people may experience temporarily when used, and as you may know, diuretic effects are temporary.

The real effects of aminophylline is simply minimizing the appearance of your cellulite for a short time …not removing it or curing it.
Aminophylline may come in handy if you have to go to a dinner party or some other gathering, but for a permanent cellulite reduction, it’s best to seek real information rather than quick-fixes.

Fitfully Yours,Karen Sessions NSCA-CPTMsFit
P.S. Get killer inside information on how to really reduce and finally get rid of cellulite. My 7 step cellulite reduction program in The Cellulite Cure offers the real facts on how to finally be cellulite free.

About the Author
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.

Karen has written six eBooks on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.

Karen has helped hundreds of clients reach their goal of transforming their body. Her success and success stories speak for themselves.

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Here's to a sexier you,
Best wishes Glenda

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Skinny on Cellulite

The Skinny on Cellulite
By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPTMsFit
Is cellulite keeping you from wearing those sexy shorts or that mini-skirt? Do you refrain from wearing swimsuits, for fear your cellulite will shine through?

Cellulite is a great frustration for many women. Out of desperation, many ladies turn to quick fixes such as creams, lotion, and potions that promise slimmer thighs in a matter of days.
Before you can eliminate the cellulite problem, you first have to identify what exactly it is.

Cellulite is a mass collection of fat deposits and toxins compacted beneath the skin, which has not been eliminated by the body. Women are usually victims of this unsightly orange-peel and cottage cheese bulge can be on your arms, stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, and other areas. Men can even have cellulite and it's usually located on their neck and stomach area.
So does that mean only those individuals overweight get cellulite? Not necessarily. Slim women and those in their ideal weight range can still develop this unsightly condition. While having excess weight will be a contributing factor for cellulite, it's not the resulting cause.

Fancy-smanchy cellulite creams on the market may help smooth the cellulite appearance temporarily, usually 8-24 hours, but these creams do not get to the source of the problem to get rid of cellulite.
Banish Cellulite Dead in it's Tracks!

Some Cellulite Busting Tactics
While banishing cellulite is not a one-shot approach, you can still have some success in diminishing it. Don't expect to be cellulite-free in a matter of days. You didn't develop the condition overnight and therefore it's going to take some time to reverse the problem.

Drink Up
Drinking water is a great way to get your body working properly. Ninety percent of the people walking around are dehydrated. A dehydrated body cannot function as nature intended.
Water aids in digestion, circulations, flushing fat and toxins out, and usually the single most missing element in most people's diet.

Balanced Diet
Many people still have the no-fat mentality. Natural fat is absolutely essential for a healthy diet, mind, and body. Natural fat does not cause or contribute to cellulite. Natural fat is responsible for nutrient transportation and absorption, building hormones, and a whole host of other great functions. Trans fat is the enemy. Stay away from man-made fat if you want to beat cellulite.

No doubt, exercise is beneficial for getting rid of cellulite, as it increases circulation and builds lean muscle tissue. You should include both aerobic (cardiovascular) and anaerobic (resistance training) exercise into your daily life.
Stop the Cellulite Lies and Get the Cellulite Facts to Rid it Forever!

Detoxing your body can greatly help in the cellulite battle. You'd be absolutely amazed at the garbage that's trapped inside your cells and lodged in your fat stores. A good detox should include organic foods and filtered water. Avoid processed foods, colas, smoking and alcohol.

These are just a few of the basics to getting a step ahead of the cellulite game. If you are consistent and keep a healthy lifestyle, you can kick cellulite in its dimples and never have it return.

Fitfully Yours,Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT MsFit
P.S For 7 effective steps for banishing cellulite naturally and painlessly, check out The Cellulite Cure!
About the Author
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.
Karen has written six eBooks on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.
Karen has helped hundreds of clients reach their goal of transforming their body. Her success and success stories speak for themselves.

Visit now and learn MORE

Wishing you "skinnyness", Glenda Oakley

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