Monday, June 1, 2009

Detoxification Foot Pads

An NPR experiment on Kinoki foot pads ...

Reporter Sarah Varney and her husband bought some “detoxifying” Kinoki footpads and wore them to bed. In the morning, they both awoke find the pads covered in the brown mess............

Have you seen those commercials and magazines ads about the detoxification pads, you simply apply them to your feet at night, and while you slee*p they are suppose to draw the nasty toxins right out of your body! The proof is in the pad in the morning, with all the discoloration. I've read many pros and cons on the issues so I made a pdf download from a trusted source, This is just information for you to read and make your own decision. I, personally, have not used the product after reading this download. Some people still swear by it, but it's not really much to go on. Here's the link:

Info supplied for you from Karen Sessions, author of The Cellulite Cure.

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