Monday, January 5, 2009

The Elite Physique Meltdown

I just wanted to let you know that we are preparing for our 2009 Winter Transformation Challenge. The Challenge will run from January 5th to March 30th. That's a full12 weeks to get in shape. You were going to get in shape anyway... why not make it a challenge?!What are the benefits of snapping back into shape so quickly? Well, one is that you get fit and healthy. Other benefits are the chances to win a trophy, acertificate, supplements from, and a whole host of other goodies.

This is brought to you by Karen Sessions, author of The Cellulite Cure.
Karen is a fitness expert and will help you lose cellulite the natural and healthy way without expensive creams and lotions that only give temporary relief.

Try The Cellulite Cure, and go in for the challenge to lose some weight!

All the best Glenda

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